
Hanne Hostup

hostrup@me.com / +45 51514147

Hanne Hostrup er uddannet psykolog fra Københavns Universitet 1978. Licentiatgrad 1983.

Videruddannelse som gestaltterapeut i USA 1984 hos Jim Simkin, Big Sur og Bob Martin, Portland.

Hanne Hostrup har haft privat praksis i over 25 år og har uddannet og superviseret psykologer og gestaltterapeuter i gestaltterapi.

H.H. er i dag overvejende foredragsholder, forfatter og workshopleder.

Hanne Hostrup graduated as a psychologist from the University of Copenhagen in 1978. Licentiate degree in 1983.

Additional training as a gestalt therapist in USA with Jim Simkin, Big Sur and Bob Martin, Portland.

For more than 25 years H.H. has been running a private clinic in Bagsværd (on the outskirts of Copenhagen) and has provided lectures, training and supervision in gestalt therapy to psychologists/gestalt therapists.

Currently H.H. works mainly as a lecturer, writer, and workshop leader.
